4-27-22 Lumber Report

4-27-22 Lumber Market Daily Report

Midweek print was up and mill shipments are said to be out into June in extreme cases. This means if you buy a car of lumber today you probably wouldn’t see the lumber on a job site until July or August at the earliest. If you can wait that long then pricing based on lumber futures close yesterday would be $100-$200 lower via forward pricing. Don’t forget to calculate the rail cost or all the other handling and delivery charges that come with buying direct rail cars from the mill. Regardless how you like to buy your lumber , prices look to be higher until the next contract of lumber kicks in. Are you a BULL or a Bear???

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I’m surprised to hear it’s taking so long to get lumber, given the recent market slump. Do you know is this due to transportation issues or are order files stretched?

Great report Mike! Very pointed, sober, grounded in the market (and print+futures), and considering both the bear and bull arguments.