Bill's Corner- An Eastern Spruce Perspective

Activity and sales were good to start the week in the lumber market yesterday. The mills had a variety of items to sell with pricing geared to entice interest. They did have some pockets of accumulations that were size and grade specific. There were also other items that were scarce and difficult to source, and of course those were the ones that garnered the most attention. Inquiry and demand were strong, keeping traders on their toes while anticipating where prices would be for their quotes. Logistics continues to be the wild card as to what, and how much will actually get done!


Do you know how quickly sawmills are able to respond and produce these scarce and difficult-to-source items?

@william_giguere do you know any sawmill reps who might be interested in talking on pakira? I’d love to get their opinions on this forum


interesting that the “scarce and difficult to source” items are the ones garnering the most attention. Hopefully, not the most demand though.


give me a call at your convenience for an answer to this question- thank you Andrew!


demand for them remains strong keeping their prices more stable

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responsiveness can be fairly quick for the mills as their optimizers can change production outcomes but the size of the logs will restrict what lengths and widths that can be produced.

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