Brazilian exports of wood-based products decreased by 36% in February

In February 2023 the value of Brazilian exports of woodbased products (except pulp and paper) decreased 36% in value compared to February 2022, from US$413.6 million to US$264.2 million, as ITTO reported.

Pine sawnwood exports decreased 26% in value between February 2022 (US$68.6 million) and February 2023 (US$50.9 million). In volume, exports dropped 15% over the same period, from 252,800 m3 to 215,200 m3.

Tropical sawnwood exports fell 22% in volume, from 30,800 m3 in February 2022 to 24,000 m3 in February 2023. In value, exports increased 2.4% from US$12.4 million to US$12.7 million over the same period.

Pine plywood exports faced a staggering 44% decrease in value in February 2023 compared to February 2022, from US$91.0 million to US$51.4 million. In volume terms, exports decreased 28% over the same period, from 228,700 m3 to 165,700 m3.

As for tropical plywood, exports declined in volume by 22.0% and in value by 28%, from 5,900 m3 and US$2.9 million in February 2022 to 4,600 m3 and US$2.1 million in February 2023.

As for wooden furniture, the exported value fell from US$60.1 million in February 2022 to US$ 38.6 million in February 2023, a 36% fall.

Source: Brazilian exports of wood-based products decreased by 36% in February