Japan approved a ban on certain types of timber and machinery imports from Russia

covers certain types of wood, as well as machinery, and alcohol

TOKYO, April 12. /TASS/. The Japanese government on Tuesday approved a ban on certain types of timber and machinery imports from Russia from April 19 as part of sanctions imposed due to the situation around Ukraine, Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Koichi Hagiuda announced at a press conference.

“The ban on imports will come into force on April 19, it covers certain types of wood, as well as machinery, and alcohol,” he said.

According to the website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan, the ban for three months starting from April 19 will not apply to import contracts that were concluded before the entry into force of the relevant decree.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Japanese government approved additional sanctions against 398 people and 28 organizations from Russia in connection with the situation around Ukraine. In particular, deputies of the State Duma fell under sanctions.

The Japanese government has also approved a ban on new investments in Russia and will freeze assets of Sberbank and Alfa-Bank from May 12. Thus, new investments from Japan to Russian from May 12 can be made only with special permits.

On April 8, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced Tokyo’s decision to impose new sanctions against Moscow.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address on February 24 that in response to a request by the heads of the Donbass republics he had made a decision to carry out a special military operation in order to protect people "who have been suffering from abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years."The Russian leader stressed that Moscow had no plans of occupying Ukrainian territories, noting that the operation was aimed at the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine.

Source: TASS, Russian News Agency


Eventually Russian Timber will be used to rebuild Ukraine. I’m sure of that !!! Most of the items I have traded have not been from Russia but the lack of Russian Exports might spillover into affecting other species usage and supply . Most Russian timber that I’m aware of is used in Birch Plywood products and SPF Boards that are also used and was sold all over the World . There is no way to accurately predict what the fallout to be but there will be some trickle down effect sooner than later .


Hi @Michael_Haas Happy Easter!
You know what, I 100% agree with you. The easiest and cheapest way to rebuild Ukraine will be with Russian timber. Currently a political paradox. But in the end economics rule. So very well said on your end.
Meanwhile, we are all praying for this horrific conflict to end. The human toll is devastating, the level of destruction is unwarranted, and 12 million people displaced from their homes. It has been proven that sanctions don’t work (think Iran). It would be a lot more productive if the NATO countries, such as the US, would help broker a peace deal. Currently, only Turkey and France are trying to help in that way.

Given Russia’s main export is oil and gas, the timber bans are not making a significant impact on Vladimir Putin. Yet the timber bans are starting to have a huge effect on the rest of the world, USA included.
Specifically in the products you listed. And @David_Bagdy has commented on that multiple times before.


well said @Nadia, its horrific and although we want to stop it the rules of the World Order prevent us from overtly helping. I cant believe the evil and outright disregard for humanity. There needs to be a “madman” clause in the World !. No single person or entity should have absolute power over other human beings.