Lumber Futures drop $200 in 30 days! Buy or Sell?

There is a GAP at $700 and a few above. Hint: Lumber always fills its gaps even when common sense says no way! Good luck and have an Awesome Monday! Set the Tone for the week.


It’s a tough call on futures. In cash, I am hearing lots of talk about softening…

@Michael_Haas What do you mean by gap? how can I become an expert gap reader like you?


I think $500 mill is a good low end baseline for purchasing decisions. It may go there but usually doesn’t stay at the lows very long. It’s so difficult at times that sometimes buying on hunch’s or perceived value can really be risky .


If history has taught us anything, it is that a good time to buy is whenever you can!!! We used to say how many load have you bought and never sold? None.


@Michael_Haas when volume drops (from buy side) prices drop – volume dropped by 2X according to that chart in the last 2 months

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@Michael_Haas you can actually track this on Pakira Forum at a glance every day, hour, minute, or whatever your heart desires :wink:

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