Polar vortex begets travel warnings, dangerously cold weather

By The Tree Frog Forestry News

The polar vortex brings travel warnings, dangerously cold weather to North America. In related news: what is the polar vortex; and look out for falling iguanas. In Business news: Canfor’s wood fibre challenge; Georgia Pacific’s capital projects; and Louisiana’s mill expansion. Elsewhere: Webcor Timber’s mass timber ventures; the Softwood Lumber Board’s Q3 highlights; and Timmy’s goodbye plastic, hello wood shift.

In Forestry news: FPAC says Canada practices climate smart forestry; ENGOs say SFI’s sustainability claims are ‘misleading‘; Parks Canada says beetle populations have plummeted; Oregon quarantines to slow the emerald ash borer spread; and Finland’s forests shift from sink to source.

Finally, the polar vortex be damned… Santa is cleared for travel! But not us Frogs, we’re homebound until January 3rd. Merry Christmas to all our readers.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor
