Poll Closing Soon!

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Latest Pakira poll has 40+ comments from industry insiders such as @Josh_Rees, @Burford_Bolander , @Jim_Schumacher, @Kapil_Rastogi, @Neill_Gibson, and others — join the discussion and cast your vote!

Latest Pakira Poll <— (CHECK IT OUT)

(1) Post _ Feed _ LinkedIn — Mozilla Firefox 2022-
Post _ LinkedIn — Mozilla Firefox 2022-04-01 12.42
Post _ LinkedIn — Mozilla Firefox 2022-04-01 12.41
Post _ LinkedIn — Mozilla Firefox 2022-04-01 12.45
Post _ LinkedIn — Mozilla Firefox 2022-04-01 12.43
Post _ LinkedIn — Mozilla Firefox 2022-04-01 12.44


Thank you to all our amazing Pakira users for their valuable insights – you are all at the forefront of the industry and everyone is learning alongside you!


Poll closing soon!

Vote to add your perspective to this lively topic and see what 82 other industry insiders are saying.