Russian Federation invades Ukraine reminiscent of Adolf Hitler's expansionism during WWII

The International Wood Products Association (IWPA) located in Arlington, VA should immediately encourage, and demand, that all its member companies doing business with the country of the Russian Federation to immediately halt all purchase orders and imports of Russian birch plywood and lumber and to cancel these purchase orders henceforth indefinitely. The Russian president warned of any interference with their attack on Ukraine would lead to something never seen before and one can only assume what that would mean - but we do know what that means and threatens the entire world with the unthinkable. The US domestic and international trade industry cannot allow this kind of war mongering reminiscent of the 20th century wars in the 21st century and must take immediate action to show support for the country of Ukraine.

International Wood Products Association (


Hi @Jeff_Lassle this is a gut wrenching development. Nobody wants this. Not the Ukranians, not the Russians, not the Russian young men who are being sent into battle against their Ukranian brethren, nobody. It is the mania of one individual powerful enough to use the national armed forces at his disposal to satisfy his obsession of grandeur. Human lives be damned. :sleepy: :hot_face:


@Nadia, for over 80 years, the European Union has distrusted the former Russian empire’s expansionist desires, and why NATO was formed and exists today. For the next 80 years, due to the sociopathic mind of Vladimir Putin, the European Union will continue that distrust and preparation for war against the Russian people and the people of Russia will be left in the shadows of world progress. What got my attention, and the world’s notice, is the ease at which Putin described the use of an unbelievable force that the world has never seen, being, of course, the use of nuclear weapons if the West interferes with their plans of invasion and expansionism.

Having had worked with some of the greatest physicists of our time, scientists like Ken Watson, who is credited with working on the design of the hydrogen bomb during the Cold War with the former Soviet Union, these physicists warned of something like this would happen in the future, a catalyst that ends with the implementation of these weapons of mass destruction. We are at that precipice now and why all industry in the US, including the forest products industry, must cease all business with the Russian Federation to cause as much pain to their citizens so they, the Russian people, demand the end to this invasion and to the dictatorial monstrosities of their Russian political and military leadership.

The economic price that is going to be paid by the entire world over a cold and cruel dysfunctional dictator will be massive as well as human suffering by those closest to this chaos.


@Nadia, Interesting that in a straw poll on the streets of Moscow, the English-speaking citizens there shared they don’t want war with Ukraine as many have relatives there or see no need for it. Putin is the 21st century rendition of Josef Stalin; we’ll see if the Russians today will allow this and not rebel against it. Putin is just a remnant of the old Soviet clan that he is trying to keep alive and knowing that the US can never meet him on the conventional battlefield as one of the two super-powers in nuclear warfare and why we can’t help Ukraine militarily.

When growing up, my relatives spoke Russian at gatherings so this hits close to home.


Russian total market capitalization has lost almost half of its value, at least $ 300 billion dollars of Russian wealth destroyed.

Russian Credit Default Swaps




With their GDP, that’s a big chunk out of them.


@Jeff_Lassle I could not agree more. I have relatives and friends in both Russia and Ukraine now. Have had this feeling of queasiness and desperation for weeks. This aggression was expected. Not as sweeping as what Putin had done though. d

@Andrew_Gibson thank you for the report on the Russian stock market. It’s based primarily on Oil, Gas, and Lumber.