Russian forest product imports into the US doubled in 2021 | Published by Timber Check

In dollar terms, Russian forest product imports into the United States increased 104% in 2021.

The U.S. imported just under half a Billion dollars worth of forest products from Russia in 2021 (US$ 459 Million). That’s compared to US$ 225 Million the year prior (Data source: Census Bureau).

Bar chart of Russian forest product imports into U.S.

By volume, Russian forest product imports into the U.S. jumped by 44% in one year. The U.S. imported 796,418 cubic meters in 2021.

Russian forest product imports into US by volume.

The doubling in value is likely due to higher prices the U.S. market paid for Baltic Birch hardwood plywood – Russia’s main forest product export to the U.S.

Baltic Birch plywood is used to make a variety of products like cabinets, furniture, and shells for RV trailers.