Feverish lethargy and rampant apathy in housing and lumber is spreading faster than COVID. Prices are headed lower and gaining downside momentum.
As if we do not have enough to deal with - inflation, crashing home sales, falling home prices, cancellations, delayed building projects in single and multi-family sectors - the U.S. seems to be pushing Russia and China’s buttons.
If we think that will not impact our lumber market we are delusional.
[That’s not all folks. There is much more commentary and current market prices.]
Great point’s @Matt_Layman. We seem to have passed a peak in globalization where political thirsts for power have overcome the economic imperatives for peace & harmony.
Are we at a momentary set back in globalization or seeing the high water mark?
Has the global economic boom of the last several decades not taught us that growth through harmony and trade is superior to growth through force?
Not a very uplifting projection in store for us – thank you @Matt_Layman for the alert.
Market pressures from multiple fronts aside, the US foreign policy at this current moment leaves a lot to be desired imho. Rocket gas prices, energy shortages, food shortages and insecurity around the world, inflation, US to foreign currency exchanges, can all be traced back, in part, to this current foreign policy on several fronts. Russia and China are the two major examples …
Nadia…everyone likes the warm fuzzy optimism; the power of positive thinking and such. That does not mean we bury our heads and let others do the dirty work when reality is ugly. It’s kind of like getting an unfavorable medical diagnosis. We have choices, give in and give up, or improvise, adapt and overcome.
Mills will probably be proactive and once they are prices should jump a little . Today that’s $100-200 mbf or more . Lumber fills gaps on the chart and there are more than one on the chart I’m looking at . Cheers
@Matt_Layman@Michael_Haas i am 100% on board with being realistic, looking at the current market conditions, and projecting forward. That’s why data is sooooooo important!