Stallcop Group New Summer Interns!

The Stallcop Group will have two new summer interns this year! Feel free to email them and welcome them to the lumber and building materials industry!

I will also have them join Pakira to start watching and learning how Pakira is working hard to bring our industry together!

They will both accompany me on a business trip to Europe June 17 ~ July 3 where I will take them to visit lumber and building materials producers in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Austria and Germany.

You have to train that next generation early if you want them to succeed!

Thank you to everyone who has given me so much support throughout my career including when I started my own company 1-1/2 years ago. Without you, I could never have been as successful as I am today.

I look to all of you to help me train my two sons on how honesty and integrity in everything you do will get you success in life.


Welcome to Pakira!!