The goose, Senator Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas

My God! Arkansas hillbilly logic.
FEBRUARY 23, 2022


Contact: James Arnold or Mary Collins Atkinson (202) 224-2353
February 23, 2022

Cotton Statement on DOJ Termination of Its “China Initiative”

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) released the following statement after the Department of Justice announced the termination of its “China Initiative,” which was designed to combat the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to spy on the United States and steal our intellectual property:

“The CCP has stolen trillions of dollars of American intellectual property, destroyed millions of American jobs, and turned students and researchers studying in the United States into foreign spies. Yet today, the Biden administration announced it’s cancelling the initiative tasked with combating the Chinese government’s unprecedented domestic sabotage and aggression because they claim it’s racist. Cancelling this initiative is just another instance of weakness from an administration more concerned with being politically correct than protecting Americans. And you can be sure our adversaries are watching.”

Back to reality:

The two greatest benefits of international trade is it keeps inflation in check and promotes peace among nations. Magnesium oxide panels, for example price is still at the price OSB was prior to these market escalation of pricings which as in the case of exterior plywood, gypsum, etc where MgO competes with would have kept prices where they were at instead of where this wild market ride has taken US commodity prices.

President Xi Jinping has recently given his strongest condemnation of the atrocities that Russia is commiting in Ukraine and they, the Chinese, are not stealing our intellectual property; in fact we have been given Chinese technology in the MgO technology without their whining and moaning of the US stealing their technology. It’s how business works.

Senators like Tom Cotton and their ideology of creating enemies where enemies do not exist need to be ousted from the workings of the US government. Another classic example of a Harvard lawyer who is as dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to reality.

And Chinese students are not turned into spies. Tell that to the US administrators of the collegiate “Confucius Institutes” around the country.