Bill's Corner- An Eastern Spruce Perspective

Steady demand in the lumber market enabled new orders on a variety of items to start the new week. Clients were out early trying to replenish their recent takeaways, while justifying new purchases. Eastern mills benefitted from these sales, further diminishing what they could offer, despite raising prices on them over what was previously traded. The higher prices did not detract buyers from purchasing what was needed or what they perceived as value. Their shipments are into November with few exceptions.


Do you see any risk of market breakdown where buyers are unable to purchase what is needed at any price?


@william_giguere @Andrew_Gibson this is consistent with @Bill_D 's article

regarding the rising positive sentiment in the home builders side of the supply chain – hence tolerance of higher prices, and continuing to build despite material shortages …


Everything is pointing in one direction :chart_with_upwards_trend: … we will see how this plays out. Hopefully, everyone will be able to meet their obligations …